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时间:2023-02-23 20:45:04 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




八年级下英语作业本参考答案 篇一

Unit 3单元自测卷

一、1 ~ 5、 A B C B A

6 ~ 10、B A A C D

11 ~ 15、 C B A B C

二、1 ~ 5、 A C D C B

6 ~ 10、B A D D C

三、1 ~ 5、 D B C A B

6 ~ 10、B A D C A

四、 1、No, not all the children have to do chores.

2、 She will give her $ 3.00 and a movie.

3、 Theyboth have to clean up their toys and bedrooms.

4、 She wanted to mop the floor.

5、 Next year./When he is three.

五、1、 floor

2、 fairness

3、 depend

4、 result

5、 lend

6、 to learn

7、 to clean

8、 helping

9、 developing

10、to have

六、1、I can't

2、 don't need

3、 look after

4、 weren't in

5、 doesn't like

七、 1、bringing us

2、 had to .

3、 doing chores

4、 a waste

5、 invite; to

八、1 ~ 5、 G C A B E

九、One possible version:

Dear Tom,

Your grandmother is sick in hospital, so I go to the hospital to take care of her. After you wake up, you can do as I tell you in this paper. You are a diligent boy, so you can do many things on your own. First,you should wash the dishes. Second, you should go to the supermarket to buy some fruit, vegetables and meat as well. Firlally, you can prepare your lunch You can't watch TV or play basketball with your friends until you have done what I tell you.



八年级下英语作业本参考答案 篇二

Unit 8单元自测卷

一、1~5 B;C;B;C;A

6~10 A;B;C;D;A

11~15 C;A;D;A;B

二、1~5 A;B;C;A;C

6~10 C;B;A;D;B

三、1~5 B;A;A;D;C

6~10 B;A;A;C;B

四、1~5 D;C;A;E;B

五、 1、records




5、 ship


7、to see


9、hasn't come

10、 success

六、1、haven't; yet

2、Has; yet

3、How; like


5、 How soon

七、1、 hurry up

2、wait to

3、 brings back

4、come to

5、 ever smce

八、 1~5 C;F;D;G;B

九、One possible version:

I'm Li Jia. I'm looking at my plan for this week.I find I have done some things, but I haven't done a few things.

I have practiced the piano three times. I like singing, so I have already taken the singing lesson. It was on Thursday evening, and it lasted for one hour.Also, I have listened to a pop music CD. It was very exciting.

But I haven't washed my clothes because I had no time to do it. I borrowed a book Tom Sawyer but I haven't read it. I must finish reading it next week because the book report is due in two weeks.

八年级下英语作业本参考答案 篇三

Unit 6单元自测卷

一、 1~5 B;A;B;D;A

6~10 C;D;C;A;C

11~15 A;D;B;B;H

二、1~5 A;D;D;B;C

6~10 A;B;C;D;B

三、 1~5 D;C;A;B;C

6~10 C;B;D;B;A

四、1、The water.

2、Yes, it was.

3、A beautiful fairy.

4、If the poor https://m.haozuowen.net/ man could tell her the truth.

5、An honest man may get more.





5、 fits






六、 1、instead of

2、When will

3、so; that

4、got married

5、 the whole

七、1、Once upon

2、so; that

3、woke up

4、fell in

5、 turn; into

八、1~5 C;F;A;G;D

九 、One possible version:

The story of Yu Gong

Once upon a time, there was an old man called Yu Gong. Although he was almost 90, he ciecided to move the mountains. A "clever" man called Zhi Sou said, "You are too old to move the mountains. " Yu Gong said, "If I die, my sons will still do this. And if my sons die, my grandsons will continue doing this. "Then a god was moved by Yu Gong. So he sent two gods to help him From the story, I learn that anything is possible if we work hard!

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