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小学英语考试题第1篇听力部分:40%一、圈出听到的内容。(10%)1) s x  2) p q  3) b d  4) i l 5) v w 6) m f7) ar ri 8) map lamp 9)下面是小编为大家整理的小学英语考试题6篇,供大家参考。


小学英语考试题 第1篇


一、 圈出听到的内容。(10%)

1)  s  x    2)  p  q    3)  b  d    4)  i  l  5)  v  w  6)  m  f

7)  ar  ri   8)  map  lamp  9)  bag  bike    10)  windpw  monkey

二、 按听到的顺序给下列字母及单词编号。(9分)

1.   f      g     h     l      i      r     a      q

(   )  (   )  (   )  (   )  (   )  (   )  (   )  (   )

2.  queen    snake    pen    rabbit    tiger

(     )  (     )  (    )  (     )  (     )

三、 选出你所听到的句子,将字母代号填在括号内。(5分)

(  )1.  a.  What‘s  this?          b.  What’s  that?

(  )2.  a.  I  have  a  car.       b.  I  have  a  kite.

(  )3.  a.  This  is  a  rope.      b.  Is  this  a  rope?

(  )4.  a.  It‘s  a  yellow  lamp.  b.  It’s  a  red  lamp.

(  )5.  a.  Is  that  a  window?   b.  Is  that  a  vase?

四、 听音填入所缺字母。(5分)

1.  r   ler   2.  melo   .   3.    et  4. monke   .  5. ro   e.

五、 听写字母及单词。(6分)

1.                  2.                  3.

4.                  5.                  6.

六、 选出你听到的英文句子的中文。(5分)

(  )1.  a. 几点了?                  b. 你叫什么名字?

(  )2.  a. 这是一架飞机。

           b. 那是一支钢笔。

(  )3.  a. 我是一只蜜蜂。

           b. 我有一只蜜蜂。

(  )4.  a. 我可以进来吗?            b. 我可以借你的钢笔吗?

(  )5.  a. 这是你的书包吗?是的。

   b. 这是你的书包吗?不是的。


一、 按字母顺序写出 e ~ p 之间的字母。(12分)

三(  )班 姓名            学号     得分

二、 写出前后相邻的.字母。(8分)

1.     f       2.     g       3.     b       4.  r

5.     j       6.     o       7.        w    8.     x

三、 比较下列字母是否含有相同音素,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。(8分)

1.  b  v (   )  2.  f  h (   )  3.  k  j (   )  4.  n  l (   )

5.  q  w (   )  6.  r  a (   )  7.  o  q (   )  8.  s  x (   )


i(第一笔)       d(第一笔)       k(第一笔)      t(第二笔)

x(第二笔)       p(第一笔)      m(第一笔)      j(第二笔)

w(第一笔)       f(第一笔)


z          b    s    p       k   f l          v    s

(        )  (      )  (         )  (        )  (          )

c    k      b    k      b         d         t    g

(          ) (          ) (         ) (        ) (            )


玻璃杯           风筝           台灯         地图

fox             car           bee            what

七、 找出一个不属于同一类的词或字母,写在括号内。(4分)

1. (   )  fox   kite   bee   rabbit

2. (   )  f   h   s   m

3. (   )  snake   lamp   bag   pen

4. (   )  bus   bike   kite   car

小学英语考试题 第2篇


1.—When _____ you come back ?


2.Yesterday I _____ to the park.

3.We need food ______ our picnic .

4.______did you do at the weekend?

5.______shout,please.My baby is sleeping.


(    )1.A.he      B.hen      C.letter

(    )2.A.river   B.rice     C.rabbit

(    )3.A.pencil  B.apple    C.photo

(    )4.A.run     B.cute     C.jump

(    )5.A.toe     B.thank    C.butter


1.go______  2.do _______ 3. take _______ 4.wash ________5.have6. meet________7. run _____ 8. drop _______ 9. buy _______10.is


(  )1.I went to the zoo______ bus.

A. by    B. on

(  ) 2.How ______ oranges do you want?

A. much B. many

(  )3.Thank you very much. ________

A. You’re welcome.     B. Welcome you

(  )4.Look! There _____ a boat on the lake.

A.is B. are

(  )5.How ____ juice do you want?

A. much    B. many

(  )6.What’s the London Eye? It’s a big_____.

A. clock   B.wheel

(  )7.Did Lingling like the postcard? Yes,she___.

A.does B. did

(  )8.This T-shirt is yours.____is yellow.

A.My  B. Mine

(  )9.There ______ enough bags.

A. aren’t   B. isn’t

(  )10.What did you do _____ the weekend?

A.at    B. on

(  )11.You should say hello_____your friends.

A.on B.to     C.at

(  )12.I won a chess game.Now Ifeel_____.

A.board B.sad    C.happy

(   )13.He is blind.He can’t______.  A.hear  B.see   C.speak

(   )14.Please give_____your pencil. _____pencil isn’t here.

A. me,My    B.I, My     C.me,  Mine

(   )15.- ____is the picture?  -It’s on the wall.

A.What    B.Where    C.Who


(  )1.Are there enough pencils?  A. It’s Lingling’s.

(  )2.Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt? B. Yes, there are enough.

(  )3.Whose bag is this?             C. Six, please.

(  )4.How did you go there?          D. No, I didn’t.

(  )5.How many bananas do you want?  E. By bus.


1. I can dance .(改为一般疑问句)______ you        ?

2. I send you a wonderful present today.(用yestreday改写)

I ______ you a wonderful present ___________.

3.They can walk.(改为否定句)They ______ _______ walk.

4.He likes tea.(改为否定句)He_______ _______tea.


What   How  Whose   What time   Where

1._______did you go last Sunday?

2._______is the matter?

3._______bag is this?

4._______do you go to school?

5._______do you do?


Yesterday was Saturday.It was fine. Mr Wangwent to the zoo with his family.There are four people in his family.They are Mrand Mrs Wang, Elve and Wallace.They went there by bus.There were manyinteresting animals in the zoo. Elve saw a mother elephant and a baby elephant.Wallace took a lot of pictures oflovely pandas and monkeys.They had a good time.

(    )1.Yesterday was Friday.

(    )2.It was not fine day.

(    )3.They went to the zoo by bike.

(    )4.Wallace took a lot of pictures oflovely  Pandas and  monkeys.

(    )5.There are four people in Mr Li’s family.

小学英语考试题 第3篇



(    )1.  A  shop     B  jump     C  chip     D  jeep

(    )2.  A  pill       B  full         C  doll     D  ill

(    )3.  A  make     B  cake        C  look       D  fix

(    )4.  A  friends    B  beds        C  coats      D  cats

(    )5.  A  three     B  month       C  zoo       D  nose



(  ) A. It‘s Sports Day today.

(  ) B. What are you going to do on Saturday?

(  ) C. I’m going to be a doctor..

(  ) D. I have got a bike.

(  ) E. We are going to go swimming in summer.



(    ) 1.  caref __ l     A. a          B. f           C. u

(    ) 2.  visi __       A. i           B. t           C. f

(    ) 3.  ju __ p       A.i           B. u           C. m

(    ) 4.  __et         A.p           B. h          C. f

(    ) 5.  peo __le      A.p          B. b           C. d


1.  Noodles are Chinese _________  ________ .(快餐)

2.  I can go to the ___________.(商店)

3.  You are a  _______ boy.(聪明的)

4.  I’m going to swim in the  __________ .(大海)

5.  There is a stone ________.(动物)


(    ) 1.  _______ I have an ice cream ?

A. Are        B. Can          C. Is

(    ) 2. There ______ five books.

A. is          B. in            C. are

(    ) 3. How many ______are there?

A. horse       B. hore       C. horses.

(    ) 4. Hamburgers and chips are ________ fast food .

A. Chinese       B. English

(    ) 5. What are you doing ?  I’m_______.

A. swim       B. swam      C. swimming

(    ) 6. Are you going to _______ to Hainan ?

A. go         B. back       C. play

(    ) 7. I‘m going to _______ a driver.

A. is          B. be         C. are

(    ) 8. I’m going to  _______.

A. listen music   B. listen to music    C. music

(    ) 9. Do you use chopsticks in England? No, _______.

A. I do       B. I don‘t       C. I can

(    ) 10. _______you got a ruler? Yes, I have.

A. Has        B. Have        C. Do


A. Do you use chopsticks in China ?        1. I‘m going to Amy’s house.

B. Can you jump far?                    2. No, I am‘t.

C. Have you got a computer?              3. Yes, I do.

D. How many pencils are there?            4. No, I can’t.

E. Can this bird fly?                      5. I‘m going to swim.

F. What are you going to do in summer?     6. I’m watching TV.

G. Where are you going?                  7. There are four.

H. Are you going to swim?                 8. Yes, I have.

I.   What are you doing?                   9. No, it can‘t.

五、 阅读理解并判断对错(10’)

Hello, my name is Mike. I‘m a Chinese boy. I’m eleven. I like playing football and basketball. I like summer, I go swimming in summer. I have got many toys, but my favourite toys are computer games and teddy bear. I have a friend, his name is Tom. We play football at school.

1. My name is Tom. (   )

2. I like basketball. (   )

3. I like swimming in summer. (  )

4. My favourite toys are computer games and teddy bear. (  )

5. Linling is my friend. (  )

小学英语考试题 第4篇

一、 把下列单词翻译成英语:40‘

1.电影院         2.可能            3.车站           4.动物园

5.学校           6.公园            7.老虎           8.(打)电话

9.圆的           10.宽的           11.熊猫          12.超市

13.狮子          14.参观              15.河流          16.很多

17.安静的         18.加上           19.更多的.        20.有一点

二、 选词填空:30’

(   ) 1.What _____ you do this weekend?   A. are   B. do   C. will

(   ) 2. Maybe we‘ll _______ to the zoo.    A. going  B. go  C. go to

(   ) 3. What will you see? _______

A. No, I don’t know.   B. No, I don‘t.   C. I don’t know.

(   ) 4. I‘ll ____ my grandpa.           A. visits  B. visiting  C. visit

(   ) 5. I _______ visit London.        A. will    B. to     C. am

(   ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge.     A. will     B. want    C. are

(   ) 7.Will you phone me? No, I ____.  A. am not   B. don’t   C. won‘t

(   ) 8. There _____ a phone.          A. isn’t     B. are     C. be

(   ) 9.Tomorrow I _____ go to school.  A. don‘t    B. won’t   C. am

(   ) 10. You are ______ the park.      A. go to    B. will go to  C. going to

三、 读对话回答问题:30‘

Sam:   Will you play with me this weekend?

Daming: No, I don’t.

Sam:   Will you phone me?

Daming: No, I don‘t.

Sam:    Oh!

Daming: I’ll visit my grandpa.He lives in the countryside.There isn‘t a phone there.

1.Will Daming play with Sam? ____________________________________.

2. Will Daming phone Sam? ____________________________________.

3. Who will Daming visit? ____________________________________.

4. Where does Daming’s grandpa live? __________________________________.

5. Is there a phone there? ____________________________________.

小学英语考试题 第5篇


( )1. A. bread B. teacher C. healthy

( )2. A. goat B. coat C. board

( )3. A. young B. out C. house

( )4. A. slow B. window C. how

( )5. A. windy B. shy C. healthy


( )1.What’s your grandma like?

( )2.Who’s your English teacher?

( )3.Is Amy hard-working?

( )4.What time is it now?

( )5. What’s your favourite food?

三. 选择不同种类的"单词,将序号填在括号内。(每题2分,共10分)

( ) 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. dad

( ) 2 A. Miss B. music C. Mr

( ) 3. A. water B. bread C. apple juice

( ) 4. A. polite B. quite C. food

( ) 5.A. healthy B. robot C. delicious


Do you know Mr Young? ( )

No ,I don’t. ( )

Who is he ? ( )

He’s our music teacher . ( )

Is he funny? ( )

Yes ,he is. ( )

五.选出最恰当的一项。(每小题1分,共 10分)

( )1. I’d like some ______.

A. tomato B. tomatos  C. tomatoes

( )2. What’s_____like?

A. he B. his  C. him

( )3. Would you like some sandwiches?


A. Yes, please B. They’re healthy C. I have grapes

( )4. What do you have______Thursdays?

A. at B. in   C. on

( )5. What would you like ____drink?

A. for B. of C. to

( )6. Mike is not hungry. He’s _____. He’d like some water.

A. helpful B. thirsty C. tired

( )7. The fish is too______.You can’t eat it.

A. great B. do C. hot

( )8. Would you like some______?

A. hamburgers B. grape C. apple

( )9. What’s ______favourite food?

A. you B. your C. yours

( )10. They ______old.

A. is B. am C. are

小学英语考试题 第6篇

一、 把下列单词翻译成英语:

1.大的           2.高的            3.长的           4.圆的

5.新的           6.宽的            7.古老的          8.来自

9.关于           10.非常           11.河流          12.伦敦

13.桥            14. 参观             15.钟            16.(个子)高的

17.安静的         18. 英语          19.科学          20.有帮助的

二、 选词填空:

(   ) 1.Look _____ this book.          A. over   B. at     C. on

(   ) 2.It‘s _______ London.           A. of     B. at     C. about

(   ) 3.I’m _______ London.           A. from   B. on    C. at

(   ) 4.This river is very ____ and ____.  A.big/high  B.long/wide  C.short/tall

(   ) 5.I _______ visit London.         A. go to   B. want to  C. am

(   ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge.     A. will     B. want    C. are

(   ) 7.It‘s a big _____ eye.            A. round   B. long    C. wide

(   ) 8.You’ll _____ on the London Eye.  A.go      B.doing   C.going

(   ) 9.This house is very _____ .        A. long    B. round   C. old

(   ) 10. Big Ben is a very ______.   A.new colck  B. new Bridge  C.old clock

三、 完型填空:

Amy:    Look at this book. It‘s about London. I’m _______ London.

Lingling: This river ______ very wide.

Amy:    And it‘s very long. It’s the River Thames.

Amy:    This is Big Ben.

Lingling: It‘s very tall. What is it?

Amy:    It’s a very ______ clock.

Lingling: And look at this big wheel. It‘s very high.

Amy:    It’s new. It‘s the London Eye.

Lingling: Eye? ________ my eyes?

Amy: Yes.

Lingling: It’s ____ big round eye! Ahh!

四、 把下列句子译成英语(注意书写规则):

1. 它是关于伦敦的。


2. 这条河非常宽。


3. 它是个非常古老的钟。____________________________________.

4. 这是大苯钟。


5. 你将会喜爱伦敦。


6. 你将会看到一条长长的小河。________________________________.

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